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Our Community

The surrounding areas of where Tiny Rebel work are super important to us.


We are committed to ensuring positive social development within our local communities as well as further away, and as an organisation we seek to be dynamic in the change for good. From sponsoring local football, cycling and running clubs to fundraising for Pride Cymru via our pronoun badge scheme, or donating meals to those in need via our Community Christmas Dinner project, inclusivity is at the heart of our community engagement. We're super proud of our community fund initiative, which was launched in 2022.


We are proud to have built a culture within Tiny Rebel that promotes all things charity and community. We recognise that this is important to our employees too, and this is why our Rebels are encouraged to take a community volunteer day each year, "A Day to make a Difference" for a charitable activity of their choice.


Having fun through personal interests and a positive presence on everyone around us, we're proud to have a social conscience that pushes us to be better every day.

More About The Tiny Rebel Community Fund

2022 saw Tiny Rebel celebrate our 10th birthday with massive celebrations and an amazing scheme called 'Birthday Bucks' - a £15k pot that anyone could apply for a percentage of, to fund projects in their community.


Well, £15k didn’t end up being enough but we managed to find some more cash and, from over 170 applications from all over the UK, we were able to fund 20 applications chosen by our very own Rebels.


So, when it came to 2023, we knew we wanted to make it even better and we turned the project into the Tiny Rebel Community Fund, which we're proud to continue for 2024. 


Learn more and apply.

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